EM3 - Serving The Research Community

Leadership Mentorship


Evolutionary Leadership

A leadership certification program to help animal research professionals tune into a higher leader frequency.


It’s time we up-level our leadership prowess in research administration collectively. The Evolutionary Leadership Program (EVLP) combines the best practices of organizational leadership and supports animal research professionals specifically. Evolving leadership prowess results in greater innovation, higher team performance, respectful relationships, reduction of administrative and regulatory burden, and improved animal welfare.


Evolutionary Leadership is for you if:

You are a current or aspiring leader in the field.

You want to grow as an animal research professional, seek out new leadership opportunities, and guide yourself or your team from a place of clarity and creativity.

You are frustrated, overwhelmed, or burned out from a lack of resources and/or a lack of support and know there’s a better way.

You are ready to be inspired again, and to bring fresh ideas to your team rooted in the latest research from organizational leadership.


Evolutionary Leadership is a mix of asynchronous learning and live mentorship calls. Each week, you’ll have a pre-recorded lesson, an activity, live calls (that will also be recorded for later viewing), and additional readings.

Here, you will be seen and your questions will be heard. Each live mentorship call includes ample time to answer your specific questions about the learning modules, as well as strategize within your lived experience as an animal research professional.

At the completion of the program, you’ll receive an Evolutionary Leader Certification in Animal Research Compliance.


With Evolutionary Leadership, you will:

Module 1. Tune into Leader Frequency
Module 2. Nurture High Performing Teams
Module 3. Explore the Research Enterprise as a Complex Interconnected System
Module 4. Innovate to Reduce Regulatory Burden
Module 5. Navigate and Minimize Unprofessional Conduct and Lead Through Conflict
Module 6. Embody the tools of Evolutionary Leadership



This program was what I needed. It reminded me of my values, it taught me tools to support growth and change, it inspired me to push forward, it made me a better person, and it gave me hope.
— Jason
Participating in this course has been a transformative journey for me, challenging my preconceptions and expanding my understanding of leadership. Prior to this course, I never truly saw myself as a leader, but now I feel empowered and inspired to embrace the principles of evolutionary leadership and make a positive impact in my professional sphere.
— Jennifer

I’m Eugene Matullo and I’ll be your guide…

Very early in my career, I was washing cages and scraping monkey pans. Now, I’m the founder of EM3 and strive to support those in animal research programs by providing specialized services for the broader community.

For over a decade, I’ve witnessed animal research programs from all kinds of perspectives. It’s become increasingly clear that our profession was founded from a place of good intentions, and that we need a giant evolutionary leap to lead it into its next iteration. One with vision, compassion, mutual respect, honesty, and integrity.

I have a master’s in Organizational Leadership and Innovation, am a certified yoga teacher, and am an avid practitioner of Eastern wisdom traditions. The latter aren’t religions, they are lifestyle practices that have greatly benefited me in my career and leadership paths. And now, I have infused organizational leadership theory with conscious living principles to create a one of a kind leadership certificate program that will serve the present and future of animal research compliance.



Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs

  1. Can you clarify the structure of the program?

    • Yes! The program runs for 7 weeks and is a combination of A-synchronous learning and live, virtual mentorship calls. There is weekly course material to read, module activities, and case study evaluations. Additionally, there are weekly pre-recorded presentations where I dive into the concepts of the modules deeper. Lastly, there is a live, virtual mentorship call each week where all of your questions, either related to the content or within your own program, are answered in a safe space. The live calls are also recorded so that you can observe them if you miss a live call or want to revisit.

  2. How much time do you think I would need to dedicate to the modules each week?

    • This is a bit person specific, however, I would say on average anywhere from 5-10 hours between the readings, reviewing the recorded lessons, completing the activity and attending the live call.

  3. Do you have a payment plan for your program?

    • At the current moment, payment is a one time purchase. What I will say is that this is considered PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT! Your first approach to paying should be to ask your Organization/Institution if they would support this program for you as P.D. . If it is something you are interested in, share it with them and explain how it could benefit you and the organization! I recently read a wonderful line in the story The Alchemist. Highly recommend if you have not read this book yet. The quote goes - “when something evolves, everything around that thing evolves too.” So beautiful, right? When we evolve as employees, this ripples through the organization in profound ways. I know budgets can be tight - If they do not have the budget for it, see if you can get it in the budget for next fiscal year. If they state the program is too much, see what they would be willing to contribute and let me know!

    • If a payment plan is absolutely necessary for this to work for you after trying to utilize your Org/Institution, please contact me directly. I would rather have you part of the program than not and don’t want my current website payment capabilities to prevent that :)

  4. Are you taking an unlimited amount of people per cohort?

    • I would like to keep cohort size to around 10 people max.

  5. What if I cannot make the live-calls? Does this still make sense to join?

    • Yes! While it would be a total bummer if you could not make the live calls, they will be pre-recorded so that you can come back to them. Additionally, there will be an opportunity to submit questions before each live call, so even if you cannot make it, you can still have your question(s) addressed by me and watch the pre-recording. It is also likely that your question resonates with others too :)

  6. Can you share more about the modules and what is in them.

    • Yes! I have a more detailed document that breaks down each module a bit further- please email me directly if you would like to see it :)

  7. This program sounds great, but do you offer 1:1 Leadership Mentorship?

    • Yes! I do take on a limited number of 1:1 clients. If you are interested in working 1:1, please send me an email.

  8. Are the reading materials included in the purchase of the program?

    There are two required books for the course which are not included in the program enrollment cost. They must be purchased by the individually entering the course. For more information about the two required books, please email me.

  9. Is there a refund policy if I join the EVLP?

    Due to the nature of the program and how it is structured, there is a no-refund policy. Please message me if you have questions.