EM3 - Serving The Research Community
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ARC Summit



Connect and Be Inspired

EVENT OVER! Stay Tuned for 2025!


June 12 -13th 2024

A CPIA CE Eligible, two half-day virtual conference specifically curated for animal research professionals where participants will explore novel presentations that will open the door for inspirational programmatic transformation.

The ARC Summit Supports Animal Research Professionals by providing space to connect in a focused environment so that they can bring novel industry ideas back to their program, in turn, elevating professionalism and innovation in the field.

Connect. Be Inspired.

So What Makes the ARC Summit Different?

  1. This is a community-centric event specifically catered to you, IACUC and Animal Research Professionals, where you are the focus audience for intentionally created presentations.

  2. Presentations that are intentionally novel to the community and based on woven themes: Professionalism - Leadership - Innovation - Culture

  3. Audience Engagement - There is no wall so to speak. Aside from the Panel Discussion, all presentations take place in an everyday zoom room. If you are familiar with the ARC Seminar Series, just like that. You can interact with the presenters how you choose when discussion is open.

  4. Accessible Price-Point! One institutional enrollment and unlimited participants per institution. The hope is that you treat this as a team building experience where you can discuss the presentations together post Day1 and Day2 Closing. No more dancing around “if we have this in the budget or not.”

June 12 & 13 Itinerary


  • 9:50 - 10:00 AM - Welcome and “Zoomkeeping” for the ARC Summit

    10:00-11:30 AM - Keri Godin - Promoting Professionalism in Animal Research Programs: Understanding bullying, harassment and bystander techniques.

    11:30-11:35 AM - Break

    11:35 AM - 12:00 PM - Innovation in Semiannual Inspections

    12:00 -12:30 PM - Lunch Break

    12:30 - 1:00 PM - Sponsor Presentation (Lunch Continued) - Drexel - Master’s in Laboratory Animal Science.

    1:00 - 2:00 PM - Asmita Kumar - Balancing Competing Interests with Electronic Protocol Management Systems

    2:00 - 2:10 PM - Closing Remarks for Day 1

  • 9:50 - 10:00 AM - Welcome and “Zoomkeeping” for the ARC Summit

    10:00-11:00 AM - Lauren Danridge - Regulating the Hyper-Cautious IACUC Administrator; Breaking out of the Risk-Averse Safety Box

    11:00-11:05AM - Break

    11:05 AM - 12:00 PM - Madeline Budda - Making Our Work Count: What Success Looks Like for Animal Research Professionals

    12:00 -12:30 PM - Lunch Break

    12:30 - 1:00 PM - Sponsor Presentation (Lunch Continued) - Animal Care Training Services (ACTS) - William Singleton - Owner

    1:00 - 2:00 PM - PANEL DISCUSSION- The Impact of Culture in Animal Research Programs

    Jennifer Klahn - Panelist 1

    William Singleton - Panelist 2

    Eugene Matullo - Panelist 3

    2:00 - 2:10 PM - Closing Remarks for ARC SUMMIT!

  • Promoting Professionalism in Animal Research Programs: Understanding bullying, harassment and bystander techniques.

    This interactive session will walk participants through recent data and trends on bullying, harassment and other forms of unprofessional conduct in the workplace, as well as highlight sponsors’ growing interest in creating safe and inclusive research environments. Using relevant case studies and individuals’ personal stories, we will learn about bystander / upstander techniques that anyone can employ to de-escalate conflict and disrupt behaviors that lead to unhealthy work environments. Participants will walk away with practical skills to recognize bullying and harassing conduct, intervene in a manner that prioritizes personal safety, and the ability to immediately begin making a meaningful impact in challenging situations.

  • Balancing Competing Interests with Electronic Protocol Management Systems

    In this presentation, participants will explore the competing interests of animal research program stakeholders when it comes to electronic protocol management systems. Who should ultimately win the “tug of war” when it comes to system prioritization? Further, participants will come away with a deeper understanding of how to cultivate balance between burden the systems create and the value they add.

  • Regulating the Hyper-Cautious IACUC Administrator; Breaking out of the Risk-Averse Safety Box.

    I’ve sat in an office, in front of a computer feeling like I was alone in keeping my institution out of catastrophic non-compliance. I’ve also had the privilege of navigating programmatic evaluation and improvements whilst sitting side-by-side with an expert in IACUC Administration. I’ve come to realize that the only difference between the two scenario’s was my mindset. During this session, we’ll look at some of the fundamental fears and challenges facing IACUC Administrator’s and how we can overcome them.

  • Making Our Work Count: What Success Looks Like for Animal Research Professionals

    Animal research professionals – including IACUC administrators and laboratory animal caregivers – are often compassionate, skilled, hardworking, and highly motivated people. And while institutions generally hold these positions in high esteem, pathways to a long and rewarding career may not always be straightforward. This is especially true in cases where these positions were created within the past 10-15 years.

    In this presentation, attendees will review some approaches to continuous improvement in this field, as well as some common barriers encountered when seeking career advancement or recognition for our work. Topics for discussion will include finding and sustaining a creative mindset, promoting one’s own value within their program, and leveraging the collective strength of this community to trailblaze new paths to a successful and fulfilling career.

  • Innovation in Semiannual Inspections

    In this presentation participants will learn about the top 5 skills of disruptive innovators and how applying those skills to the animal research field can lead to novel practices. Participants will see how the process of innovation led to a novel inspection management system.

  • Panelist 1 - Dr. William Singleton - Founder of ACTS

    Panelist 2: Jennifer Klahn - Director Research Safety and Animal Welfare - UCLA

    Panelist 3 : Eugene Matullo - Founder EM3

    In this panel discussion, participants will engage in a fruitful conversation around culture and its impact to the animal research program system. Each panelist provides a unique perspective on culture and looks forward to facilitating this important conversation.

  • Dr. William Singleton - CEO

    ACTS grew from a desire to improve the quality of animal care and welfare through training and education. Before I left the University of Pennsylvania, it became clear that I had to be a bigger part of the solution. I asked, “What can I do to ensure the highest level of animal welfare?” The answer: nurture and develop the people that care for the animals. All our services start with a laser focus on helping people become better at the things that matter most. My awesome team and I are committed to being there for all the animal advocates in our industry.

  • Erin Vogelsong - The online Master of Laboratory Animal Science is designed for those currently working within the field of laboratory animal science who are seeking to take their career to the next level or those looking to enhance their veterinary school application with specialized education.


You Have Made it This Far! What are You Waiting For? Talk with your Supervisor. Share this as something you would like to do as a team retreat!


ARC Summit 2024
One time

Early Bird Rate $399. Code Summit24 at Checkout

✓ ONE Institutional Enrollment Rate (rather than per attendee)
✓ CPIA CEs Eligible - Approved by PRIMR
✓ You Won't be Bored - These Presentations are FIRE!
✓ Enlightening Conversations You're Not Having Anywhere Else
✓ A Structure that Prioritizes Your Personal Well-being


  • Yes - Participants can earn up to 3.5 CPIA CE hours for attending the conference.

    Certificates will be sent out after the conference :)

  • No. Only one individual needs to enroll through the website on behalf of the institution. From here, they will be able to share the pre-registration links with anyone within the institution that wants to attend.

  • The Conference recordings will be maintained behind the website enrollment portal. Al recordings will b able to be shared externally to institutional team members.